Intro background
Stress Fracture
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A stress fracture is a small crack or hairline fracture in a bone that occurs due to repeated stress or overuse. It is commonly seen in athletes or individuals who engage in high-impact activities. Stress fractures typically develop over time as the bones are unable to withstand the repetitive force applied to them. They often occur in weight-bearing bones, such as the shinbone (tibia), foot bones, or stress fractures in the lower back (vertebrae).

Key aspects of stress fractures include:

  • Causes: Stress fractures are caused by repetitive force or stress placed on a bone that exceeds its ability to repair itself. Factors that contribute to stress fractures include sudden changes in activity levels, inadequate rest periods between intense activities, improper footwear, and poor biomechanics. Athletes participating in sports like running, basketball, or gymnastics are particularly prone to stress fractures.
  • Common Locations: Stress fractures can occur in various bones, but they are most commonly seen in weight-bearing bones. Common sites include the shinbone (tibia), foot bones (metatarsals), and bones in the lower back (vertebrae).
  • Symptoms: The primary symptom of a stress fracture is localized pain that worsens with weight-bearing or activity and improves with rest. Swelling, tenderness, and mild bruising may also be present. The pain may initially be subtle but can progress if the activity causing the stress fracture continues.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Diagnosis of a stress fracture usually involves a physical examination, review of medical history, and imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans. Treatment typically involves rest and avoiding activities that aggravate the fracture. Immobilization with casts, braces, or crutches may be necessary in severe cases. Pain management, physical therapy, and gradual return to activity are also important for recovery. In some cases, additional treatments like electrical stimulation or ultrasound therapy may be used to promote bone healing.
  • Prevention: Preventing stress fractures involves gradually increasing activity levels, wearing appropriate footwear, using proper technique and equipment, cross-training to reduce repetitive stress, incorporating rest days into training schedules, and maintaining adequate nutrition and bone health.

If you suspect you have a stress fracture, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The team at Impala Pain and Rehabilitation can provide comprehensive care for stress fractures, including diagnosis, pain management, physical therapy, and guidance on returning to activities safely. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards recovery.

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Gulshan 2 Branch

Sanmar Tower 2, Level-8, 38/A, Road-35, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212


Dhanmondi Branch

Khan ABC Tradeplex, House-37, Level-B6, Road-2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
