Intro background
Delayed Wound/Fracture
Experience The Best Pain Relief & Rehabilitation Care in Bangladesh
• Physiotherapy     • Acupuncture      • Electromedicine

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Delayed wound healing and fractures can be challenging conditions that require appropriate treatment and care to promote optimal healing and recovery.

Key points about delayed wound healing and fractures:

  • Delayed Wound Healing: Delayed wound healing occurs when the normal wound healing process is prolonged or disrupted, leading to slow or impaired healing. Factors that can contribute to delayed wound healing include poor blood supply, infection, underlying health conditions, malnutrition, and certain medications.
  • Fracture Healing: Fractures, or broken bones, require proper alignment and stabilization for successful healing. However, certain factors such as poor blood supply, severe trauma, inadequate immobilization, or underlying health conditions can impede the healing process.
  • Common Symptoms: Delayed wound healing may present with persistent or worsening pain, swelling, redness, discharge, or the reopening of a previously closed wound. In the case of fractures, ongoing pain, difficulty bearing weight or using the affected limb, and limited range of motion may be experienced.
  • Treatment Approaches: Effective management of delayed wound healing and fractures typically involves a combination of approaches. This may include wound care, infection control, immobilization or surgical intervention for fractures, pain management, nutritional support, and rehabilitation exercises.
  • Comprehensive Rehabilitation: Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation of delayed wound healing and fractures. It aims to restore strength, mobility, and functionality through targeted exercises and techniques.

At Impala Pain and Rehabilitation Care , we specialize in providing comprehensive care for delayed wound healing and fractures. Our experienced team works closely with patients to develop individualized treatment plans that address their specific needs. Our approach may include wound care, fracture management, physical therapy, pain management techniques, and other modalities such as acupuncture and electromedicine to support healing and enhance recovery. Our goal is to optimize wound healing, promote fracture union, and help patients regain their mobility and quality of life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive personalized care for your delayed wound healing or fracture condition.

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Our Location

Gulshan 2 Branch

Sanmar Tower 2, Level-8, 38/A, Road-35, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212


Dhanmondi Branch

Khan ABC Tradeplex, House-37, Level-B6, Road-2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
